8 Tips for an effective Video Marketing Strategy
Do you feel you need to pack more of a punch with your video marketing strategy? Have a read through these 8 tricks that will help you to get a clear idea of what your video marketing strategy must look like to get the results your business needs.
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1. Whats your demographic and what are you wanting to achieve with your videos?
Before you begin putting pencil to paper, take a look back at your overall business and marketing plans. You will already know your target audience like the back of your hand but do you need to divide the audience further for the purposes of your video and in which case have different video strategies for different customer segments? Do you want to increase the sale of a certain product or increase your brand’s profile within a new market sector? Think about your message and who will be listening.
2. Think about your brand and company a whole..
It’s helpful to understand that a video strategy can impact on Sales, HR, Customer Services, Brand awareness and so much more. Focus on that customer funnel, make them aware of your brand, and help them form a positive opinion of what you are about to lead them towards considering a purchase of your services or products. With any successful brand campaign your target market should be your customer, talented people will want to work for you, big suppliers will want to work with you and competitors will be shaking in their boots.
3. What’s your story?
This is where you must think about what you want the viewer to feel and then think about what it is you are aiming to communicate to them. On the other hand, it could be more effective to think about the viewers story and about how you articulate this to them. This is where you can get creative in terms of how you are going to tell the story – do you need aerial drone videos, animation, personalisation, 360 Virtual reality. Just get creative at the start and see where your vision leads you.
4. Where will this be seen?
Is your plan is to make a short series of Facebook videos. You must be aware of video restrictions such as videos on facebook can be anywhere from 1 second to 240 minutes, as long as it doesn't exceed the maximum video file size of 4 GB. As with instagram they must be a maximum of 60 seconds. Knowing this information later on down the line can affect the whole message you are trying to tell and may take you back to the drawing board of your script and content and delay your marketing. Ultimately, it’s about where your target markets are in regards to social media. Consider the World Wide Web and not only your website. Identically if you are working internally with the aim to communicate a message to your staff consider the best platform to get them to engage with your video – do you need to consider personalised videos distributed via what’s app, for example.
5. What do you want viewers to do?
Call to actions is necessary for a video too. Whether you want your audience to view another video, follow you on your social media platforms or click ‘buy now’ . You need to tell them what to do and why they should do it with a clear call to action. This can be in the form of a link in the description of the video uploaded.
6. Who is responsible for what?
There are a number of areas that you will need to allocate responsibility, such as:
Storyboarding (it’s useful to get clear on how your story will be told. Storyboards are also
good if several people need input)Scriptwriting
Production (Recording and editing the video)
Communicating with your chosen production company
Project Management
Measuring and reporting
It’s often useful to use key people across several roles and outsource those roles where you lack in-house resource to your production company.
7. What is your budget?
This comes down to how your company works. It might be that you can incorporate your video strategy into your marketing plans and get budget approval at the beginning of your financial year. On the other hand, you may need to put together a business case at other times of the year. It’s chicken and the chicken’s egg – some companies like to have their budget during the creative process, some like to look at what they need to achieve and then request budget. It all depends on your organisation’s perception. Never forget you will need a budget to work to. Think about the return that you expect to see after the videos are rolled out. You will then be ready for the next point
8. How will you measure what you’re doing?
This clearly relates to your original plans and for sure your overall business and marketing plan. For video, there are a many of ways to measure. The obvious is the number of views but this doesn’t actually relate back to the bottom line so it’s often useful to look at other analytics as well depending on what your call to action is. These could be watch time, shares, likes, comments, subscribes, click through rates, sign-ups and ultimately sales. You will then be able to work out the return in marketing investment.
Reading your way through these tips it will hopefully inspire you in terms of how best to produce your next video campaign. Our Devon based team at Skypro Productions love to get deep into these video marketing projects, so let us know the details of your next campaign and together let us see how we can help.